Monday 29 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Recording sound effects

When we watched back the footage we noticed that some of the sounds weren't clear and that we should record some sound effects that we could add in to emphasize actions. So we took a microphone, went to the set (my garage) and recorded Aydin's lines among other things. We recorded the lines and sounds in the garage so that they were recorded under the same conditions as the rest of the clips and this would make them fit in with the scene well.

The other sounds we recorded included:

- Garage door opening
- Garage door closing
(We recorded the door opening and closing so that we could bridge this sound across the clips and make sure it was fluent and not jumpy)
- Breathing
- Umbrella being placed on a table
- Jacket being placed on a table
- Chair falling over and hitting the ground

All of these sounds contributed to making the final piece consistent, clear and clean.

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