Sunday 28 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Initial ideas

Above is our very first rough storyboard of an idea we had. The initial idea consisted of a mysterious man. This man would be made mysterious by being dressed in black and by us making sure his face was always shadowed, obscured or cut off by the framing so that the audience couldn't work out who he was. The second character in the scene was a man who had been tied/strung up and beaten. The setting was to be in a garage/storage unit and very gloomy. This initial idea is where we came up with the point of view shot from the tied up man's perspective showing his face covering being removed. Here we also started planning the sounds we would introduce into the scene to give it an eerie feel (blue writing).

Above is our initial camera movement planning. We drew out a very basic outline of the set and sketched how we thought the camera should follow the character's around the room. This initial planning helped us visualize what the shots would look like and whether they would be effective. We thought it would help us when designing the set because we could determine where we should position the props and characters.

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