Tuesday 30 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Editing

We wanted to give the film a more cinematic feel so we altered the brightness and contrast. This made the film feel a lot more eerie and mysterious. The contrast between blacks and whites made Aydin's face even more shadowed and hidden.
The first 30 seconds of the film's audio was made completely in post-production, this is so that we could bridge the garage door opening/closing accurately and also not have unwanted background noise of cars etc. ruining the film's feel. We added in footsteps to emphasize Aydin's entrance.
We also decided to add a changing blur effect to the P.O.V. shot to show how nauseated Sam's character was. The drum beats were added to emphasize the mood changing and add tension to the escalating situation. The eerie soundtrack that plays almost throughout gives the scene a sense of unease and mystery.
We made sure that there was match-on-action with each transition to keep the film believable and fluent. When Sam is shot in the head we added in a gun shot, chair hitting the ground and body impact sound effects to sell the effect. We also added a puff of blood and a quick reflection of light off the walls of the garage to give the gun shot and murder even more realism. The clip then slowly fades to black at the end.

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