Sunday 28 October 2012

Preliminary Task - First edit

This is the first attempt at editing our footage.


What can we improve?

 - The colours don't seem eerie enough. By adding some contrast and possibly dimming the brightness could give the footage a more cinematic feel.
- The audio seems to cut into each shot, this makes the film feel too jumpy and messy. This could be solved by bridging the audio or playing a constant sound in the background.
- It doesn't feel mysterious. By adding an eerie soundtrack and some other sounds that build tension the film would seem much more thorough and make the audience more emerged.
- The sounds of the gun shot, gun cocking and Sam falling off the chair seem very unrealistic and pathetic. We should add in real sound effects that make the scene feel much more realistic.
- Nothing visual happens when Sam's shot off the chair. If we added a flash of light, to represent the gun going off, and a puff of blood then it will sell that Sam's been killed to the audience and make the scene much more serious. At this point in time the film feels very empty and amateur.

Although the raw footage is good there are a lot of improvements to be made in the editing.

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