Sunday 28 October 2012

Preliminary Task - Location

We chose to film in my garage because we were able to control the lighting in there and it provided us with an eerie setting.

Because there is quite a lot of clutter we had to hide it so that it didn't distract the audience. In our final piece you can clearly see how we covered the clutter with large white sheets. These sheets were also helpful in reflecting the light and provided us with a nice clean backdrop in many of the shots.

These windows we covered up with sheets so that we could control the lighting and therefore we could shoot throughout the day without the outside light making dramatic, obvious changes to the shots.

Although we had other lamps and lighting available to us we decided to just stick with using the 'garage door' light. We decided this because it was in the perfect position to light both the characters how we planned to anyway. This is because it is situated above and between both of the characters. It also didn't make the room too bright or too dark for filming, it was just right.

For the first shot of our film we wanted a garage door to rise slowly and reveal the mysterious man. We also wanted it to show the contrast between the outside world and the place where a man was being detained. The way the outside is much brighter than the inside makes this contrast clear.

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